Who am I?

My name is Jacques Pitrat. In 1960, I began a thesis in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, since that date, I never stopped realizing AI systems. From 1967 to 2000, I was a researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). After my retirement, I carried on with devoting all of my time to my research.

I taught AI at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) from 1967 to 1998. I was the thesis advisor of 70 theses; all of them were in the AI domain.

I have written six books about AI:
Un programme de démonstration de théorèmes. Monographies d’informatique de l’AFCET. Dunod. 1970.
Textes, ordinateurs et compréhension. Eyrolles. 1985. Translated in English:
An artificial approach to understanding natural language. North Oxford
Academic (Grande-Bretagne) and GP Publishing (USA) 1988.
Métaconnaissance, Futur de l’Intelligence Artificielle. Hermès. 1990.
Penser autrement l’informatique. Hermès. 1993.
De la machine à l’intelligence. Hermès. 1995.
Artificial Beings. The conscience of a conscious machine. ISTE and Wiley. 2009.

In this site, you can find a paper describing the 2008 version of CAIA. You can also experiment a 2009 version of CAIA’s solver.

I am a fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), and of the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI). I am “Membre d’Honneur” of the AFIA (Association Française pour l’Intelligence Artificielle). I received the IPMU special award “Fifty years of Artificial Intelligence”.

Two categories may be assigned to posts: AI Researcher, and Inquiring Minds.

Posts for Inquiring Minds are for those interested in AI, while not necessarily AI experts.


5 thoughts on “Who am I?

  1. Interesting presentation, I have discovered AI with the nice course of J-L Laurière at Paris 6 in Master-1 (Maitrise) in 1985. I followed your course next and do my PhD at Laforia. I ‘m writing a paper about AI teaching, I will be interested to know when AI start to be teaching in DEA and next in Maitrise at the University Paris 6.

    best regards
    Thierry Bouron

    1. I started teaching AI in the DEA of the Institut de Programmation in 1967.
      Paris 6 did not yet existed in 1967.
      Moreover, I taught AI in the master of Computer Science at Paris 6 for two years, from 1968 to 1970. As a researcher, I did not have to teach; however, at that time, there were not enough teachers in Computer Science. Therefore, I did it as long as it was necessary. As it was just after Mai 68, it was eventful!

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